Science Work Q3
Yellow Highlight = What did you do and what skills did you use
Blue Highlight = what did you do well and what could you do better
Green highlight = What did you learn
Unit 3 Performance Task 3/12/2018
For the Unit 3 Performance Task, my group had to pick a city and research how it should be in 50 years in order to for the city to be in better condition. WE had to learn about renewable energy and nonrenewable energy. The research component was very significant and it seemed as though my group was very well informed about the topic. However, I would want to focus more on the design and model like adding labels and focusing on details. I learned how to conduct research and how to care for the Earth.
Grade: 100/100
Click on the PDF up above to see the research that my group for the assignment.
Click on the PDF up above to look at the final result, the model that my group created.