SS Work Q2
Click the PDF box to see the Rubric I designed
Rubric Design 1/25/2018
Ms. Soprano assigned a big assignment. It involves us coming up with a solution for an issue. For Part 3, we have to create a product that will demonstrate the information we gathered about the issue and present our solution. However, she told us to design our own rubrics. We had to think about the requirements that were necessary for Part 3. I think I did very well in developing the rubric and connecting it to the project. It is one of my best works, I even added some creative factors in this rubric that I really liked, although, I think I could have done better with the categories. I learned how to take what my teacher has provided me in terms of Part 1 & 2 and use to create a criteria that is valid enough to use.
Grade: 100/100
Yellow Highlight = What did you do and what skills did you use
Blue Highlight = what did you do well and what could you do better
Green highlight = What did you learn