Click the PDF box to see my Philosophical Chairs along with my DOL
Philosophical Chairs 1/9-1/16/2018
For the Philosophical Chairs I had to agree with or disagree with statements, supporting my reasoning with evidence from my novel while including self-to-text,self-to-self, or self-to-world connection. Then, we had a discussion, expressing why we disagree and agree with each statement. We had to also do objective summaries and a creative component expressing a theme. I think I did well in terms of understanding the statements and supporting my reasoning with evidence and connections. I do think that I could have participated in the discussion more. I learned how to be support my answers with evidence from a text but also be a bit more open-minded to the views of other people.
Grade: 100/100
Literature Circles 12/19-12/20/2018
One of the projects that I did in ELA was literature circles. In literature circles we analyzed a specific aspect of the book. The project that I have for you to see, I analyzed the literary devices used in A Thousand Splendid Suns. The skills I had to use was the ability to identify and analyze the significance of two literary devices within a text. I also had to be creative since there is a creative component involved. I think I did well on the creative component and the content, but next time I will work on getting it done more on time so I could really do my best on it. Through this project, I'm glad I learned how literary devices can reveal certain things and can develop the theme. Overall, the project was pretty good and I learned and used many skills.
Grade: 105/100
ELA Work Q2
Yellow Highlight = What did you do and what skills did you use
Blue Highlight = what did you do well and what could you do better
Green highlight = What did you learn