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            I am a young girl with big dreams. The name is Kimberly Daniel and I am in the 8th grade. I attend PGTA and I am in the Performing Arts strand (talent a.k.a. what you got accepted for). My goals:


          My Vision: By the end of 8th grade, I will love myself unconditionally and by then, would have the ability to carry myself with confidence and pride. With this trait, I will also be much more comfortable with people, in general. As a student, I will acquire excellent grades in every marking period, while in my household, I will be a helpful resource to my family. In Passaic, I will be more involved with my school and community. 


            My Mission: In order to obtain confidence, I will use my voice, meet new people, and stray away from my comfort zone. As I do so, I will combat those thoughts in which I assume what others are thinking, therefore, I will live in the moment and focus on myself. Good grades require great work ethic, determination, and understanding. I will make sure that I absolutely understand all concepts taught and every assignment, from a Do Now, to a project, will represent my best efforts and attempts. At my house, I will volunteer to do some housework, without being told. In order to be more involved with the city of Passaic, I will join clubs and sports at school, while doing some volunteer work, as well.


            Overall, throughout the school year I will grow as an individual, student, and member of a family and community.


Down Below you get to find out more about and even my mission and vision statement that I have for the future !!


In this ePortfolio, I will be publishing quite a few of my finished works from the eighth grade. Feel free to explore by clicking on the tabs above, which will contain my work. I have Electives, Strand, Science, Social Studies, Geometry, and ELA. Each subjects is divided by marking periods, just to be more organized. 

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    You can't start the next chapter

of your life, if you keep re-reading the    last one. 

~ Anonymous

Fave Quotes

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