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ELA Work Q1

Literature Circles 10/19/2017


One of the projects that I did in ELA was literature circles. In literature we analyzed a specific aspect of the book. The project that I have for you to see, I analyzed the characters importance in the book Animal Farm. The skills I had to use was the ability to analyze and go in depth and also creativity since there is a creative component. I think I did well in the creative component and the content, but next time I will work on getting it done more on time so I could really do my best on it. Through this project, I'm glad I learned that the characters definitely impact the theme and shed light on the meaning that the author is trying to convey. Overall, the project was pretty good and I learned and used many skills.

Grade: 20/20 (Mastery)

Click the PDF box to see my Lit Circles Project

Argumentative Essay 11/16/2017


For the essay, my peers and I read Animal and sources in order to answer the question "Is Freedom demanded or Given?" In order, to do this I had to understand the texts and also connect the dots between all the messages of all sources. I think I did well in terms of understanding most texts and connecting the dots, and creating my grounds and thesis. Next time, however, I hope to comprehend all texts so I could use different sources. I learned how to be more open-minded when it comes to constructive criticism and to love it instead of hating it. I did not like it because I felt judged but I realized that the comments were to help me be better which is great. 

Grade: 100/100

Yellow Highlight = What did you do and what skills did you use

Blue Highlight = what did you do well and what could you do better

Green highlight = What did you learn

Click the PDF box to see my Argumentative Essay

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